
Are You Ready To Build Your Author Brand Online So You Can Establish Your Identity And Stand Out From The Competition In Your Niche?

Watch the video below to see a full walk through of the brand new Branding For Authors eBook Bundle!

Here's What You'll Get:

How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook
($297 Value)

How To Build Your Author Brand Digital Workbook
($297 Value)

Branding Style guide Printable PDF
($27 Value)

Order Your eBook Copy Today While It's Still Available...


Sis, this book is my HOW-TO guide for building your brand identity online as a faith-based author.

It's normally only available for my group coaching program students, but for a limited time you can get your own copy now!

You have EVERYTHING you need to build your brand identity online as a faith-based author.

But you’ve got to get the right tutorial that shows you how to do it.

Proverbs 4:7 says "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding."

Sis, as the owner of the Godlywood Girl brand and the author of over 50 faith-based books, I truly believe that your brand is the BEST way to create a competitive advantage as a faith-based author because you become known as the "go-to" expert in your niche.

All you need is for someone to show you how to do it. And that's why I wrote this book.

I wrote this book to show you step-by-step how the Lord allowed me to build my brand identity with Godlywood Girl without needing a graphic designer, branding coach or a vanity publisher.

I wrote this book to give you the exact plan I use to continue building my author brand online each day.

I wrote this book to give you behind-the-scenes access to the resources available online right at your fingertips to start establishing yourself as a faith-based author and becoming known for your brand image.

And I wrote this book to show you how I leveraged my brand to launch book after book and earn an income online as a faith-based author.

Because when you establish your brand identity the right way as a faith-based author, people recognize you as the person to help solve their problems through the power of your books.

All you need are the steps to show you how to get it done.

This Book Will Help You Learn How To...

  • Define a "brand" identity: In this eBook, I teach you my step-by-step formula for understanding branding as a faith-based author so you can create one...
  • Create your brand style guide: In this eBook, I teach you step-by-step how to create your brand style guide so you know the identity you're building...
  • Brand Strategy: In this eBook, I teach you the exact formula to use to establish your brand identity online so you become known as the "go-to" expert in your niche...
  • ​And so much more!

"Just wanted to share that I created my first print product, "The 21 Day Be Intentional Prayer Journal". I'm so proud of myself! Next I am working on an Ebook. Your classes have helped me TREMENDOUSLY!  Thank you for your gift of teaching!"  - Shakira Ruth

Here's what students are saying...

Sis, I've been teaching my coaching students how create a brand identity for years. I've NEVER offered this information outside of my coaching program before...

But for the first time ever, I put my entire system that allowed me to build my own identity online with Godlywood Girl all in the pages of one eBook...

This book is the SAME FORMULA I would share if you were one of my mentees in my coaching program learning how to establish your brand identity online...

The only difference is my Godlywood Girl University group coaching program costs $997.

This eBook ONLY costs $37.


 Order Your eBook Copy Today While It's Still Available...

Sis, this book is my HOW-TO guide for establishing your brand identity online as a faith-based author.

It's normally only available for my students, but for a limited time you can get your own copy now!

If you're ready to finally get rid of the fear, frustration and confusion of trying to figure out how to establish your brand identity online as a faith-based author, then my How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook is just for you!
Do You Want To Learn My Formula For How To Create A Brand Identity Online As A Faith-Based Author?
The Perfect Roapmap To Building Your Author Brand Online.
Do you have a desire to write and self-publish your own faith-based books online, but you just don’t know how to establish your brand identity online? 

You know that you hear all the big "guru's" talk about branding and why it's so important to do it.

You know you want to be known as the "go-to" author in your niche instead of always having to convince people that you can help solve their problem with your book.
But the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure, the fear of just wasting your time and money – and just a lack of confidence from not really understanding how to build a brand identity online as a faith-based author - 

Holds you back from getting started. 

Sis, if NOT UNDERSTANDING HOW TO BUILD YOUR AUTHOR BRAND ONLINE is the biggest obstacle standing in the way of you becoming the "go-to" author in your niche, then THIS is for you.
Create A Roapmap To Building Your Author Brand Online.
Having a brand strategy literally changed my life and allowed me to build Godlywood Girl as the "go-to" expert in purpose – And I want to show you how to do the EXACT same thing.

And that’s why I wrote my new eBook, How To Build Your Author Brand Online So You Can Establish Your Identity And Stand Out From The Competition In Your Niche, my step-by-step ebook where I’ll teach you how to create an author brand step-by-step -

So you understand how to establish your brand identity as a faith-based author online - 

And you can achieve your God-given purpose as a Christian writer, using the resources you ALREADY have access to, without ever dealing with the confusion and frustration of not knowing where to start again.
"I’m doing really well. I just created my first $7 workbook and made $200 in the first 24hours. So I’m super excited about that."
- Charity Rogers, Godlywod Girl Student
Only Available For A Limited Time! Sister Of Christ, It's Time To Get A Roadmap To Build Your Author Brand Step-By-Step!
Don't guess.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard my fellow sisters in Christ tell me they've always wanted to create a brand identity for their books, but they're just not sure where to start.

I mean, these women have incredible book ideas that can earn passive income while inspiring so many others in many different ways -

But for some reason the fear of getting started or the lack of confidence in knowing how to build a brand identity online keeps so many of us Christian daughters from doing the work.

If that's you, don't worry - I have some great news for you.  

What if I told you that all praise to God, I'm now known for being the "go-to" author for purpose-driven books?

In fact, I get DMs, emails, and inquiries almost DAILY asking me questions about stepping into purpose.

What would you do if you had people coming to you daily asking you to help solve their problems with your books?  Would you finally write & self-publish your Christian books online? Would you finally leverage your books to make passive income in your online business?

Would you finally see your dream of becoming a Christian author come true?  Sis, read below to hear the details of my brand new eBook I've written that will teach you my step-by-step formula for how I established a brand identity online for Godlywood Girl  -

And how you can do it too.
"As christians, it's time to Understand how BRAND YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE..."
Stephanie Rodnez, Author of 51 Self-Published Books
Stephanie Rodnez, MBA, is an author, motivational speaker and filmmaker from South Florida. 

Stephanie has written 43 self-published books as the founder & Creator of Godlywood Girl, an online business dedicated to connecting women of Christ with the resources they need to achieve their God-given purpose.

Through books, motivational videos, live workshops, online courses and daily inspiration, Stephanie seeks to strengthen your faith, motivate your ambition and empower you to unleash your purpose in Christ!
" The Secret to Building Your Author Brand Online Without Overwhelm "
Ready to finally
BRAND your christian bookS?
Hey my name is Stephanie Rodnez, author of 51 self-published Christian books online, and I want to ask you a question: 

Sister of Christ, have you been wanting to build your author brand online so you become the go-to expert in your niche, but you can’t seem to figure out how to get it done?

You know the Lord is calling you to write Christian books –

You know there is a story and a message the Lord wants you to share…

But for some reason, every time you try to build your brand identity online as a faith-based author so more people can find your books, the overwhelm of not knowing where to start keeps you from making progress.

Well sis, if that’s you, trust me, you’re not alone.

When I set out to establish myself as a faith-based author back in 2008, it was incredibly overwhelming.

Back then, there just weren’t a lot of tools and resources available online to help you establish your brand identity quickly.

Below is a picture of me in 2008 on set right before I started the process of trying to start my brand as a faith-based author.
Back then, there weren't a lot of resources to ESTABLISH YOUR BRAND quickly.
First, I tried “guessing” my way through the process. And that just led to tons of frustration, tears and time wasted trying strategies that just didn’t work.

Below is an image of the first book I ever published online as a faith-based author.

It was a Bible study companion for the first movie I ever produced, and that's where the idea to STREAMLINE the process of writing & self-publishing a book was born.

Because I had no idea what I was doing, it had almost NO BRAND IDENTITY to separate itself from others in my niche.
And the idea to STREAMLINE the process of writing & self-publishing a book was born.
Second, I tried hiring a "public relations" agency to guide me through the process. At first that was great, until thousands of dollars later, I realized I was no closer to being known as the "go-to" author in my niche than when I started.

Below is an image of some of the Christian books the Lord allowed me to write & self-publish online.  As you can see, there is NO BRAND IDENTITY anywhere.
Finally, I decided to just invest in learning how to build my brand by myself. At that time, there wasn’t just one step-by-step program showing you how to create a brand identity, so I ended up putting together different pieces of different formulas to get my own formula.

I ended up reading multiple books about branding, watching multiple courses, reading research paper after research paper -

And with all that information, I put together a step-by-step strategy for building my brand identity as a faith-based author online.

And with that formula, built Godlywood Girl up to be a recognizable presence for being the 'go-to' expert on helping women of Christ step into their God-given purpose.

With that brand identity, I published The Motivation Minute, Unleash Your Legend, the 30-Day Success Planner, 365 Daily Affirmations For Powerful Women Of Faith -

And over 40 other books all designed to establish my brand identity as a purpose-driven author online, all glory to God!

I self-published 40 books -
Now, 10 years after releasing that first branded book, I can confidently say that my author brand here at Godlywood Girl has become one of the "go-to" experts in my niche

And I want to teach you how to do the exact same thing.

And that’s why I wrote my How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook, an incredible eBook where I’ll teach you how to establish a brand identity as a faith-based author in your niche step-by-step.
  • ​​Finally, you'll have a step-by-step guide to follow to establish your brand identity online as a faith-based author
  • ​Finally, you’ll have an eBook teaching you the fundamentals of brand identity and what it takes to build one online as an author
  • ​Finally, you’ll have the confidence you need to sit down and define your brand image for your books because you have steps that are proven to work.
  • ​Finally, you’ll establish your brand identity online as the self-published author you know God purposed you to be -
All with my eBook designed to show you how to build your author brand online step-by-step so you can establish yourself as the go-to author in your niche.

Here’s what Tiffany Steele said after using my formula to self-publish her own book:

Tiffany Steele - SteeleStrong.org

"Through Godlywood Girl, I realized that anyone can accomplish or even walk INTO their purpose by taking one small step of obedience. In my case, the first step was joining Godlywood Girl and using the valuable information that Stephanie so generously shared. Fast forward to 2019, I’ve published two books, my online business is blossoming and bringing in more income, and I am one step closer to fulfilling my legendary goals. Godlywood Girl was definitely a Godsend and I am forever grateful."
With my How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook, you'll receive my eBook that teaches you how to build your author brand in your niche as a faith-based author - with the exact same resources it's taken me YEARS to discover and streamline here at Godlywood Girl.

Here's What You'll Get:

How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook ($297 Value)

In this eBook, I'll teach you the exact system I use to establish my brand identity online as a faith-based author with Godlywood Girl. You'll learn:
  • ​How to define "branding" as an author
  • The key elements of branding as an author and how to apply them for your books
  • How to consistently build up a brand for your own faith-based books
  • ​And so much more!

How To How To Build Your Author Brand Online Digital Workbook Companion ($297 Value)

You'll also receive my digital download workbook companion to the eBook so you can print it out and take action on the steps you learn in the eBook!

  My Branding Style Guide Printable Download
($27 Value)

You'll also receive my digital printable download of my Branding Style Guide PDF so you can create your brand style guide to take action on the formula you learn in my eBook and build your author brand online!
So when you GET my ebook so you can learn how to Build your author brand online, you’re gonna get:
  • How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook ($297 Value)
  • ​How To Build Your Author Brand Online Digital Workbook Companion ($97 Value)
  • Branding Style Guide Printable PDF ($27 Value)
  • ​TOTAL VALUE = $421
Your investment
Sis, my eBook bundle is valued at $421, and if you purchased each of these items from me separately, you’d have to pay that to get this information.

And if you wanted to purchase this information someplace else, bundles like these aren’t even available. 

I created this bundle specifically for women of Christ who are called to be Christian authors, because I know you’ll want to build your brand identity online as a faith-based author.

So even though this bundle is available only at Godlywood Girl, and it’s valued at $421 - 

I’m not charging you $421 for my eBook.

I’m not even charging you half of that – $210.50.

Sis, I’m not even charging you HALF of that - $105.25.

My love, as part of Godlywood Girl’s mission to connect you with the resources you need to achieve God’s greatest purpose for your life –

I’m offering you my ENTIRE eBook bundle, including:
  • How To Build Your Author Brand Online eBook ($297 Value)
  • ​How To Build Your Author Brand Online Digital Workbook Companion ($97 Value)
  • Branding Style Guide Printable PDF ($27 Value)
  • ​TOTAL VALUE = $421
ALL of that –

For just a 1-time payment Of $37.

But only for a limited time.

Sis, my eBook bundle won't be available for long, so don't hesitate.

So if you’re ready to get your eBook bundle before the discount price expires, plus get your bonus downloads including the companion digital workbook and printable brand style guide, click the button below and secure your bundle.

Thanks so much for being part of this purpose journey with me, sister of Christ. Here’s to a legendary next chapter.

Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
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