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Free Toolkit Reveals Sales Funnels For Authors 101
Discover The 3 Core Funnels Any Christian Author Can Use To Write & Sell eBooks Online...
 "I don't want to write a book that ultimately won't sell. This is why I got the book as a guide to help me research and set up a better foundation for success." - Tomeka R.
Sister Of Christ, Are You Ready To Learn How To Be Profitable With Your Book?
If you're ready to get unstuck, stop feeling frustrated and start REALLY understanding how to be profitable with EVERY faith-based book you write - 

Then click the button below to grab my FREE Godlywood Girl Sales Funnels For Authors Toolkit where I'll teach you the 3 core funnels EVERY faith-based author should use to have a profitable book business online.

Sis, If You Are A Self-Published Author But You're Still Not Making A Profit Selling Your Books Online, You Need A Sales Funnel.

Here's What You'll Get With My Sales Funnels For Authors Toolkit:

sales funnels for authors ebook
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Learn the 3 funnels every author should use
  • 32-Page eBook Download
  • Examples of each funnel step
  • Download and read on-demand
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sales funnels for authors COURSe
97 Value
Learn the 3 funnels every author should use
  • 3-Part Video Module Training
  • Examples of each funnel step
  • Access and watch on-demand
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sales funnels for authors Workbook
97 Value
Learn the 3 funnels every author should use
  • Digital Workbook Download
  • Take Action on each funnel step
  • Download and read on-demand
  • Yours FREE
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